Sunday, 16 March 2025
Earlswood housing development risk update
In the Stratford district part, which falls under the South Warwickshire Local Plan area, there were a good many areas in Earlswood proposed for that "Call for Sites". Somewhat fortunately, the next stage of the plan has seen no areas in this part of Earlswood taken forward for the "Preferred Options" consultation. However, there are three very large areas near the boundary which are being considered further, again likely to put more indirect pressure on the wildlife and habitats of Earlswood: Lastly, the Tanworth Neighbourhood Development Plan allocated the field along Earlswood Common by the nursery as a site for a small-scale housing scheme, and a planning application for 11 houses was submitted this winter. I put in an objection due to the lack of consultation with Natural England despite the site's location close to the River Blythe SSSI, potential impacts on the SSSI meadow which has held Common Snipe numbers of county importance and attracted other notable bird species, and the loss of semi-improved grassland and mature hedgerow used by amber- and red-listed bird species, when there are numerous other fields nearby with less wildlife interest. The application is still pending consideration.
Saturday, 18 February 2023
More threat of development in and around Earlswood
My last post on here was about a threat of development in the Solihull Borough part of Earlswood, and unfortunately this one will have the same theme as it appears that the Stratford District part of Earlswood now faces a similar risk. Stratford and Warwick District Councils are working together to produce a new South Warwickshire Local Plan to cover their combined geographic area. This plan will determine where, when and how housing and other development will occur up to the year 2050. It is at an early stage and currently a consultation is being undertaken on a number of options including the creation of new settlements and expansion of existing settlements.
Some of these options will affect the Earlswood area if taken forward. In recent weeks, since the consultation started, there has been much discussion on social media regarding Wood End being considered in the Local Plan as a possible site for a new settlement. The indirect effects of this are obvious for those of us who've witnessed changes in the local area since the Dickens Heath, Tidbury Green, etc developments over the last few decades.
There has been a "call for sites" that has resulted in several areas of land within the Earlswood area itself being put forward, mainly by developers. There is also a second "call for sites" currently underway alongside the consultation. These sites have yet to be assessed by the local authority for suitability for inclusion in the Local Plan as development locations, so are less concerning at this stage, despite covering a very large portion of Earlswood. For the latest details on these sites, see this page on the Local Plan website.
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Call for sites up to early February. |
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"Small Settlement Location" at Earlswood |
The consultation can be viewed at If you have any comments to make on it, be sure to send them in before the deadline of March 6th!
Sunday, 15 August 2021
Property developers seeking to build at Fulford Heath
Property developers are currently trying to get the Fulford Heath area of Earlswood included in the Solihull Local Plan as an area designated for future development, which would then make it easier for them to get planning permission. The draft plan is due to be independently examined by planning inspectors from September 27th, and there is a possibility of the land being added to the plan if the inspectors agree with other local authorities that the plan is short of a few thousand homes for house-building requirements.
The developers are seeking to change everything, even the placename as they're promoting it as "Fulford Green"! More houses would put more pressure on the lakes, woods and local wildlife in general. This is something to keep a watchful eye on...
Further info at:
A facebook group for discussing the Fulford Heath development has been set up at:
Monday, 3 May 2021
Earlswood all-dayer - Spring 2021
- Black-headed Gull
- Blackbird
- Blackcap
- Blue Tit
- Bullfinch
- Buzzard
- Canada Goose
- Carrion Crow
- Chaffinch
- Chiffchaff
- Coal Tit
- Collared Dove
- Common Sandpiper
- Common Tern
- Common Whitethroat
- Coot
- Cormorant
- Cuckoo
- Dunnock
- Feral Pigeon
- Fieldfare
- Garden Warbler
- Goldcrest
- Goldfinch
- Great Crested Grebe
- Great Spotted Woodpecker
- Great Tit
- Green Woodpecker
- Greenfinch
- Greenshank
- Grey Heron
- Grey Wagtail
- Greylag Goose
- Herring Gull
- Hobby
- House Martin
- House Sparrow
- Jackdaw
- Jay
- Kestrel
- Kingfisher
- Lapwing
- Lesser Black-backed Gull
- Lesser Redpoll
- Lesser Whitethroat
- Linnet
- Little Egret
- Little Ringed Plover
- Long-tailed Tit
- Magpie
- Mallard
- Marsh Tit
- Mistle Thrush
- Moorhen
- Nuthatch
- Oystercatcher
- Pheasant
- Pied Wagtail
- Raven
- Reed Bunting
- Ring Ouzel
- Robin
- Rook
- Sand Martin
- Skylark
- Song Thrush
- Sparrowhawk
- Starling
- Stock Dove
- Swallow
- Tawny Owl
- Treecreeper
- Tufted Duck
- Wheatear
- Willow Warbler
- Woodpigeon
- Wren
- Yellow Wagtail
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Greenshank, Black-headed Gull and Tufted Ducks at Engine Pool, 01/05/2021 (Brian Earl) |
Thursday, 17 September 2020
Earlswood all-dayer - Autumn 2020
This year's Earlswood autumn all-day birdwatch took place on Saturday 5th September, and it was a day to remember with a total of 71 bird species found by the team - our highest ever autumn total on patch! Previous autumn species totals have been 63 in 2019, 69 in 2018, 63 in 2017, 57 in 2016 and 56 in 2015. It was also our second highest all-dayer total ever, the spring 2016 all-dayer total of 77 species remaining Team Earlswood's best.
Everyone enjoyed it and I thoroughly did, I think particularly as we weren't able to do an all-dayer in the spring this year due to the COVID-19 restrictions. I put in about 9.5 hours of effort and some of the other team members put in several hours each too, this along with the slightly higher than usual number of participants contributed to our excellent result. Water levels at the lakes were falling but weren't particularly low on the day, with only small amounts of shoreline, and despite the pleasant weather there was still small amounts of bird movement evident.
Personal highlights for me included finding a female Redstart along Springbrook Lane, the first Meadow Pipits (5) of the autumn over Manor Farm and a Green Sandpiper flying over the lakes. I also saw a Teal on Engine Pool and a late Common Whitethroat in Spring Brook Scrubland. A Spotted Flycatcher at Springbrook Lane found by John Oates, a Peregrine over Windmill Pool seen by Joe Owen, and a couple of sightings of Yellow Wagtail (firstly by Ashley Grove) were amongst the other birds of note seen over the course of the day. Ashley also had a possible Arctic/Yellow-browed Warbler along Gypsy Lane but didn't get enough on it and it wasn't seen again unfortunately! Our most surprising omissions were Mistle Thrush and Kingfisher. Nevertheless, a great effort by the team!
Many thanks to Jon Chidwick, Ashley Grove, Yvonne Heward, Harry Hopkins, Janet James, Mike Jeeves, Peter Morgan, John Oates, Joe Owen, Tony and Barbara Philp, and John Sirrett for their participation in the field, and extra thanks to John Sirrett for collating the species recorded during the day. The full list was as follows:
- Black-headed Gull
- Blackbird
- Blackcap
- Blue Tit
- Bullfinch
- Buzzard
- Canada Goose
- Carrion Crow
- Chaffinch
- Chiffchaff
- Coal Tit
- Collared Dove
- Common Tern
- Coot
- Cormorant
- Dunnock
- Feral Pigeon
- Goldcrest
- Goldfinch
- Great Crested Grebe
- Great Spotted Woodpecker
- Great Tit
- Green Sandpiper
- Green Woodpecker
- Greenfinch
- Grey Heron
- Grey Wagtail
- Greylag Goose
- Herring Gull
- Hobby
- House Martin
- House Sparrow
- Jackdaw
- Jay
- Kestrel
- Lesser Black-backed Gull
- Linnet
- Long-tailed Tit
- Magpie
- Mallard
- Marsh Tit
- Meadow Pipit
- Moorhen
- Mute Swan
- Nuthatch
- Peregrine
- Pheasant
- Pied Wagtail
- Raven
- Redstart
- Reed Bunting
- Robin
- Rook
- Sand Martin
- Siskin
- Song Thrush
- Sparrowhawk
- Spotted Flycatcher
- Starling
- Stock Dove
- Swallow
- Swift
- Tawny Owl
- Teal
- Treecreeper
- Tufted Duck
- Whitethroat
- Willow Warbler
- Woodpigeon
- Wren
- Yellow Wagtail
Within the West Midlands as a whole, a record-breaking 32 sites participated in the all-dayer on the same day, producing another record of 140 bird species observed. Earlswood fared quite well, finishing on a higher or equal total compared with other patches that normally score higher than us, and probably coming as close to Upton Warren's total as we ever will! :D
Well done to all who took part, and thanks to Phil Andrews who has once again collated the following results:
Tuesday, 24 March 2020
Advice on Earlswood birding during the COVID-19 lock-down
Updated 26/03/2020
Updated 18/04/2020
New guidance issued by the National Police Chiefs' Council has been posted on the facebook page of Alcester Police, regarding travel for exercise. They say:
"The NPCC guidance below sets out a range of 'likely' and 'unlikely' reasonable excuses. It is worth reading the statement on the first image to get a better understanding of how the excuses are to be interpreted."
All three pages of guidance as follows, but those relevant to exercise/birding are on the first two:
Much of the below is still applicable though, particularly in terms of risk of coming into contact with infected people at the lakes and woods during nice weather, and the need to suppress rare/scarce bird news to discourage twitches/gatherings.
Birders should not be driving to Earlswood to exercise during the lock-down since this involves non-essential travel. The following is addressed to birders who live within walking distance of the areas of Earlswood they can legally exercise at.
Hi folks,
In light of the nationwide coronavirus (COVID-19) lock-down announced yesterday evening, please follow government guidance first and foremost when going about local birding. The government are still permitting people to leave their home for "one form of exercise a day" (including walking) alone or with members of their household, exercise starting and finishing from their home.
A number of Earlswood birders live within the patch recording area and will still be birding from their gardens or whilst out exercising during this time. Recognising this, and following some discussion between local birders regarding patch bird news dissemination over the course of this pandemic, we would like to recommend the following:
- If you wish to post updates and photos about Earlswood birds publicly on social media, please do so only for regular bird species and only after nightfall. Regular birds are residents and annually-occurring visiting species which are unlikely to cause a twitch or other gathering of birders. These reports and photos provide interest and pleasure to those of us who are no longer able to visit the patch, and help us to keep in touch and feel less isolated. Posting after nightfall will help to reduce the likelihood of birders acting upon instant news.
- Please do not share news or photos for rare/scarce bird species at Earlswood publicly on social media, until the lock-down is officially over. Rare/scarce birds are any species which do not occur every year, or which are annual but infrequent or particularly popular with observers, and can hang around, i.e. twitchable, such as Black Tern.
- Exceptions to this might be posting news/photos of untwitchable rare/scarce birds, such as those flying over or in nocmig recordings on patch, on social media. For example, a repeat of the 2 White Storks that flew over last year.
Since the start of the lock-down, there have been reports of angling, picnicking and large numbers of walkers around the lakes still during the nice weather. Therefore, exercising at the lakes (and probably the woods) has a higher risk for coming into contact with infected people than other accessible areas.
Anyone exercising at the lakes or woods should also consider the following:
- In places around the lakes and woods, it will not be possible for people to pass each other at a safe 2-metre distance apart, due to some paths being narrow and/or very muddy.
- The wooden fishing platforms around Engine Pool are potentially useful for avoiding close contact with other people, but some of them are rotting in places and potentially unsafe to walk on.
Friday, 13 September 2019
Earlswood all-dayer - Autumn 2019
Despite the fairly high water levels and scarcity of terns at the lakes so far this year, we noted Oystercatcher, Green Sandpiper and Common Tern, which were amongst the most notable species found, along with a fly-over Yellow Wagtail. Also, 13 Shoveler at Engine Pool was a high count for the patch, the most I'd personally seen at the lakes since 13 way back in 2008! A new element of the all-dayer this time was the use of a nocmig recorder by John Oates to detect birds calling as they fly over the area, which might otherwise be missed by observers, particularly at night-time; this picked up Tawny Owl, which was also reported by Yvonne in the evening, but still it was worth a try and will hopefully be used in future all-dayers!
There were a few species which were likely around the patch but missed, including Pheasant, Kestrel, Kingfisher, Skylark, Mistle Thrush, Linnet and Reed Bunting. Unfortunately I had to throw in the towel mid-afternoon, as I got a bad headache; otherwise I'm sure the list would've gone up by a couple at least. ;)
Many thanks to Jon Chidwick, Yvonne Heward, Janet James, Mike Jeeves, John Oates, Tony and Barbara Philp, Jenny Renowden, John Sirrett and Jim Winsper for participating. Many thanks to John Sirrett also for collating the species recorded during the day, the full list was as follows:
- Mute Swan
- Greylag Goose
- Canada Goose
- Teal
- Mallard
- Shoveler
- Tufted Duck
- Little Grebe
- Great Crested Grebe
- Cormorant
- Grey Heron
- Sparrowhawk
- Buzzard
- Moorhen
- Coot
- Oystercatcher
- Green Sandpiper
- Black-headed Gull
- Lesser Black-backed Gull
- Herring Gull
- Common Tern
- Feral Pigeon
- Stock Dove
- Woodpigeon
- Collared Dove
- Tawny Owl
- Swift
- Green Woodpecker
- Great Spotted Woodpecker
- Sand Martin
- Swallow
- House Martin
- Meadow Pipit
- Yellow Wagtail
- Grey Wagtail
- Pied Watail
- Wren
- Dunnock
- Robin
- Blackbird
- Song Thrush
- Blackcap
- Chiffchaff
- Willow Warbler
- Goldcrest
- Long-tailed Tit
- Blue Tit
- Great Tit
- Coal Tit
- Marsh Tit
- Nuthatch
- Treecreeper
- Jay
- Magpie
- Jackdaw
- Carrion Crow
- Raven
- Starling
- House Sparrow
- Chaffinch
- Greenfinch
- Goldfinch
- Bullfinch
Sunday, 5 May 2019
Earlswood all-dayer - Spring 2019
2018 - 64 spp.
2017 - 65 spp.
2016 - 77 spp.
2015 - 65 spp.
The weather conditions yesterday weren't great for migration at this time of year really, with a cool northerly wind, and apart from good numbers of hirundines at the lakes there appeared to be few other new arrivals. The most notable birds reported were Lesser Whitethroat, Cuckoo, Raven, Skylark and Common Sandpiper. All of the resident species were recorded, but amongst the visitors that weren't, Common Tern was the most surprising. The full bird list in alphabetical order was as follows:
- Black-headed Gull
- Blackbird
- Blackcap
- Blue Tit
- Bullfinch
- Buzzard
- Canada Goose
- Carrion Crow
- Chaffinch
- Chiffchaff
- Coal Tit
- Collared Dove
- Common Sandpiper
- Coot
- Cuckoo
- Dunnock
- Feral Pigeon
- Goldcrest
- Goldfinch
- Great Crested Grebe
- Great Spotted Woodpecker
- Great Tit
- Green Woodpecker
- Greenfinch
- Grey Heron
- Grey Wagtail
- Greylag Goose
- Herring Gull
- House Martin
- House Sparrow
- Jackdaw
- Jay
- Kestrel
- Lesser Black-backed Gull
- Lesser Whitethroat
- Linnet
- Long-tailed Tit
- Magpie
- Mallard
- Marsh Tit
- Mistle Thrush
- Moorhen
- Mute Swan
- Nuthatch
- Pheasant
- Pied Wagtail
- Raven
- Reed Bunting
- Robin
- Sand Martin
- Skylark
- Song Thrush
- Sparrowhawk
- Starling
- Stock Dove
- Swallow
- Swift
- Tawny Owl
- Treecreeper
- Tufted Duck
- Whitethroat
- Willow Warbler
- Woodpigeon
- Wren
Three of the team including myself went for drinks at the Red Lion, and I wonder if others might be interested in doing this at a local pub in future all-dayers? For me as a lightweight, a couple of pints meant that birding for a couple of hours afterwards was, erm, interesting but at least now I know Rosie's Pig and Doom Bar taste good! 😁 Here's a few members of Team Earlswood at the causeway!
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Left to right: John B, Janet, Jim, John S, Jon C |
Earlswood came 15th out of a record total of 23 sites across the midlands that participated, which was pretty good considering most of the patches with better scores are managed nature reserves or gravel pits. Sites and species totals for the day as follows:
1. Ladywalk - 102
2. Middleton Lakes - 97
3. Branston GP - 91
4. Brandon Marsh - 90
=5. Belvide - 89
=5. Grimley - 89
=7. Upton Warren - 84
=7. Chasewater - 84
=7. Salford Priors GP - 84
=7. Sandwell Valley - 84
11. Marsh Lane - 82
12. Doxey Marsh - 70
13. Venus Pool - 69
14. Dairy Farm NR - 65
15. Earlswood - 64
16. Morton Bagot - 63
17. Elmdon Park - 60
18. Avon Meadows - 58
19. Halesowen patches - 57
20. Edgbaston Res - 55
21. Sutton Park - 51
22. Fens Pool / Saltwells - 50
23. Trittiford - 47
My thanks to John Sirrett for collating the bird species reported at Earlswood over the course of the day, to Phil Andrews for collating the site totals for the all-dayer overall, and to the following 11 birders who made up the rest of Team Earlswood this spring: John Bishop, Jon Chidwick, Barry Durman, Paul Fitzgerald, Yvonne Heward, Janet James, Mike Jeeves, John Oates, Joe Owen, John Sirrett and Jim Winsper. The next all-dayer in the autumn will probably be in early September.
Sunday, 6 January 2019
Earlswood all-dayer - New Year's Day 2019
- Belvide - 77
- Middleton Lakes - 76
- Sandwell Valley - 74
- Upton Warren - 70
- Doxey Marshes - 66
- Whitemoor Haye - 61
- Morton Bagot - 58
- Earlswood - 56
So we came last, but with a superb adult male Common Scoter being found at Engine Pool, who can complain?! A great start for hopefully another productive year. Earlswood day list with initials for single-observer records and scoter as follows:
- Mute Swan
- Greylag Goose
- Canada Goose
- Mallard
- Shoveler
- Tufted Duck
- Common Scoter (JM et al.)
- Goldeneye (JJ)
- Goosander
- Little Grebe (JK)
- Great Crested Grebe
- Cormorant
- Grey Heron
- Sparrowhawk (JOw)
- Kestrel (JD)
- Moorhen
- Coot
- Golden Plover (JHS)
- Common Snipe (TRP)
- Black-headed Gull
- Lesser Black-backed Gull
- Herring Gull
- Feral Pigeon (TRP)
- Stock Dove (MPG)
- Woodpigeon
- Collared Dove
- Tawny Owl (MPG)
- Green Woodpecker (JJ)
- Great Spotted Woodpecker
- Grey Wagtail
- Pied Wagtail
- Wren
- Dunnock
- Robin
- Blackbird
- Fieldfare
- Redwing
- Song Thrush
- Mistle Thrush (JJ)
- Long-tailed Tit
- Blue Tit
- Great Tit
- Coal Tit
- Marsh Tit
- Nuthatch
- Treecreeper
- Jay
- Magpie
- Jackdaw
- Carrion Crow
- Raven
- Starling
- House Sparrow
- Chaffinch
- Goldfinch
- Bullfinch (JJ)
Sunday, 4 November 2018
Proposal to close Braggs Farm Lane to traffic
I must admit I rarely drive along the road, and the reduced number of vehicles using it could benefit wildlife and make it more pleasant to walk along. However, in case any readers were unaware of this proposal and would like to comment to the council about it, I thought I'd post the information here. Consultation ends on Friday this week.