Saturday 17 October 2009

17th October 2009

Walked to the lakes during the early morning, but could only spend about two hours there. Even so, was pleased with my count of 321+ Redwings plus a flock of 16 Skylarks over the lakes after 90 minutes spent at the causeway. During the remaining half-hour, 3 Teals at Windmill Pool were the only other mentionable birds seen.

My mom then picked me up and dropped me off at Blythe Valley CP to meet Humphrey Miller and show another birder the nestboxes there for the project. Highlight for me was seeing a few Hornets (wasps) there, which I'd only seen once or twice before elsewhere in the midlands. As on previous occasions, Humphrey kindly took me home, but on the way back we stopped at Box Trees (north of Hockley Heath) where we saw a species we'd hoped would be there - 150+ Golden Plovers flying over the area before eventually landing in a field next to the island.

M.P. Griffiths

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